READING & PERFORMANCE in SAN FRANCISCO - ADOBE BOOKSTORE in the Mission District at the 16th/Albion St. in San Francisco!
ADOBE- BOOKSTORE is so great a Secon-Hand Bookstore with wonderful people, I hope this bookstore survives the concurrency, I am sending to the people there great luck, I wish to come back there!!!
This was my second reading at the ADOBE-BOOKSTORE in SAN FRANCISCO, now on August 16th 2012 with Evan Winchester. Evan is an actor, author and cool guy I met in Oakland, he is like my literary soulmate - he reads also German literature, and now he starts with Bohumil Hrabal, the Czech one, I gave him this present, the wonderful novel: "I served the English King". So far he should know where the inspirations comes. We had in the second part of the SHOW our show together: Performance: SERVANT & MASTER!

Evan played the Servant from my novel (parts already translated into English - read here:
Fotos from Marc Kockinos.
The reading space at the Adobe-Bookstore.

"People poets writers don´t sleep - speak up!!!"
Here you can see in German the BOOKTRAILER / Buchtrailer to the novel. Made by Orange Ear / Frank Nagel, Berlin 2011.
And my German publisher presents the novel here:
And this was my last year (2011) reading at the Adobe-Bookstore "Ode about Oda and Odin" Poem written in English, translated into Portuguese already published in a anthology.
Impressive. You do look young, anmd everything in your look suggest personality. T-shirt and all. And you can write good pieces of poetry, like this sample shared here, and in a foreign language. The degree of command required for writing poetry in one's own mother tongue is already considerable. Clap clapl clar. I'm following.