LOS ANGELES!!! - VISIT IN HOLLYWOOD...? 2010 and 2012!!
I show you now (just) the Hollywood Boulevard ...
This is a video from 2010, my first time in L.A. - in the Hollywood Hills, with Jonathan Slater - you can hear & see him, my great guide in L.A. - also this year he showed me streets, corners, areas in L.A.! I changed my mind now: I like L.A. - especially the architecture of the houses!! Rich people have amazing beautiful houses, I wish I had one like that... I show you in the next blog some of them...
Well, I would never see all in one as a newcomer so fast :-) - amazing, he knows pretty lot about L.A.! You can envy me, I had such a guide!

I THANK HIM FOR taking time for me and guiding me through Los Angeles!!!
And this is a typical Hollywood poster, what you MUST VISIT! Let´s go!!

SATURDAY NIGHT IN HOLLYWOOD!! With a singer Pray Harper... at the big pool party at the famous Roosevelt Hotel!! Yeah, we rock!!
And this is Hollywood Blvd. - one long famous street... I compare it like the Charles Bridge in Prague!! Full of people & kitch & simple attractions!!! There you can earn money like a robot, like a vampir, like ... well, everything counts there!!
And what a poor Hotel Mark Twain!! In comparison to the Roosevelt Hotel, this seems like a very shaby hotel, called unlikely Mark Twain... what a shame!!
And a Post Office!! How important for me still though the internet prevails... Well, It took me a while to identify in the USA any post office, it is almost invisible any post everywhere...blue fade calour... not like in Germany BIG letters and yellow color; I had always really a trouble to find a post... And voilà now I had to take this picture! This post office, huge building cannot be ignored by anybody!!

In the L.A. subway - very clean subway!! So clean in contrary to New York Subway: see my poetry video from NYC subway:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiDd2adGIIU! Here is the entrance into the Hollywood Boullevard: you can see a camera!
Almost empty on sunday... yes people in L.A. move (almost live) in the cars... so far, subway is a good option to come among people... and safe

AND almost everywhere in the streets were shooting some comercial film... and how interesting it was... almost all teams needed a RAIN! Apparently the rain isn´t very common experience in L.A. so far, good to put it in the film... mostly comercial. 

CNN do we get always the truths on TV?
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