Two years ago I decided to go for the FIRST TIME to New York... well, a bit too late, but every human being has a proverb for every way and situation in its life, so I say... never too late... important is the action!
I was quite desperate by searching online a flat - from up Europe in NYC - I am used to say "a flat" but in NY I should say it proper - a room - online... I discovered the craigslist.. there were a lot of offers but nobody wanted someone without seeing him, or I should transfer a deposit of 300 dolars, and this was too insecure for me... well I didn´t know in NYC anybody!!
Nobody would believe me that I made it a few hours before flying to NYC! I don´t believe it now myself, how "easy going" I was... but yes sometimes I am... and I trust myself and our great God...

Two years ago I decided to go for the FIRST TIME to New York... well, a bit too late, but every human being has a proverb for every way and situation in its life, so I say... never too late... important is the action!
I was quite desperate by searching online a flat - from up Europe in NYC - I am used to say "a flat" but in NY I should say it proper - a room - online... I discovered the craigslist.. there were a lot of offers but nobody wanted someone without seeing him, or I should transfer a deposit of 300 dolars, and this was too insecure for me... well I didn´t know in NYC anybody!!
Nobody would believe me that I made it a few hours before flying to NYC! I don´t believe it now myself, how "easy going" I was... but yes sometimes I am... and I trust myself and our great God...
Well, I asked two days before departure my US-Friends - I just knew some American friends in Berlin, the Couchsurfing and I discovered a Czech-Slowak group in NYC by "Meet Up".. Do you know "Meet Up"? - Very usefull in NYC!
Well, I posted my search for a room... my US friends posted for me on their FB-pages (my thanks to Michael, the tenor singer and Jean-Ronald!) ... I got a few feedbacks, offers immediatly, how nice I was soo delighted about the offers... but everything was for 1-2 nights - and I needed for 4 weeks!
But suddenly I got an answer from one Czech woman... I forgot unfortunately her name, and she wrote me about one great flat in Williamsburg, for 3 weeks! It seemed to be too perfect to be true, exactly what I needed, I wrote her, yes and called her, him... I was very happy! So a few hours before the departure I called/talked with the guy, who was also still searching someone, he wanted 500 dolars, for me impossible, so he put it down on 350 dolars... this was a lucky number for me... and he was also ok with it! He was happy to have me, who cares about his cats and is clean, tidy...
I should share with him and other guy a flat for a few days and then he flew for another country... I didn´t know him his flatmate... I just knew that the Czech girl told me he is ok and friendly... he had just two cats in the flat so nobody wanted to share a life with his two cats, I supposed, I could, I love cats...
And when I arrived in the night to the Bedford Ave - WITHOUTH knowing HOW FAMOUS this district is ( I love to discover it en place.. And as I mentioned I didn´t have much time to do some online-discoveries... how nice it is to be SURPRISED positively!...)
I went out from the L-Train (having trouble with my broken lagguage... already in Berlin - Lol - this happened...) and as I came up, saw the night in the 5th-6th Street at the Bedford Ave I disclaimed: I FEEL LIKE AT HOME!! Be honest, I have never said that - feeling like at home, never ever in some place ourside in the world! So it had for me a deep context - meaining!
It was an amazing atmosphere there!! I loved that immediatly!! Clean, rationaonal, intelectual, inspirational, light and hidden sexy... in the night!!
I stayed in Brooklyn, in Williamsburg - Bedfort Avenue - I was very fortunate to have the first possibility to stay and feel a life there! The guy was Ok, the other also... I was happy one!!
And when just relaxed... went down to the shop, just in the same house... A Czech drinks often beer, and in that moment I really wanted to drink a beer... searching some beer... What a SURPRISE ---- there among the beer bottles was ONE - SPECIAL ONE - from MY HOME: from my hometown Nova Paka, well, Stara Paka, where is a very traditional brewery NOVA PAKA´S BEER!! one sort of beer calls: BROUCZECH! and THERE I SAW like never ever in the world, just in my hometown I was drinking BrouCZECH... I should drink it here, in the place I called my HOME.
below you can see how proud (Lol) is the BrouCZECH Brouczech means in fact: Little Beetle but written Brouček and the endling - ček we pronounce in the same way like English say CZECH, so here is the Czech humour acurate and makes it lovely for the Czech-Speakers!
I realized the BrouCZECH is a premium Czech Beer deliver in the USA I was glad to find him there where I started my life in New York City!!
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